This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles, videos and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.
- Chemical Attacks and Military Interventions
- Final Sahnesi: Rojava
- As the United States Prepares to Strike Syria: Jadaliyya Co-Editor Bassam Haddad on Democracy Now
- Syria Media Roundup (August 29)
- From Revolution to War on Terror: Reflections on Post-3 July Egypt
- Istanbul, Its People, and Their Limits
- بيان الإشتراكيين الثوريين: يسقط حكم العسكر. لا لعودة الفلول. لا لعودة الإخوان
- US Strike on Syria An "Uncalculated Adventure": Jadaliyya Co-Editor Bassam Haddad on MSNBC
- Why There Is No Military Solution to the Syrian Conflict
- استقطاب الخطاب وانتصار الليبرالية في مصر
- Last week on Jadaliyya (August 19-25)
- Egypt Media Roundup (August 26)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (August 27)
- O.I.L. Media Roundup (28 August)
- Turkey Media Roundup (August 28)
- Syria Media Roundup (August 29)
- Maghreb Media Roundup (August 30)
- Syria News Update (29-30 August 2013)
- Syria News Update (31 August 2013)
- بورسعيد: ليلة وصباحيّة
- As the United States Prepares to Strike Syria: Jadaliyya Co-Editor Bassam Haddad on Democracy Now
- US Strike on Syria An "Uncalculated Adventure": Jadaliyya Co-Editor Bassam Haddad on MSNBC
- US Strike on Syria An "Uncalculated Adventure": Jadaliyya Co-Editor Bassam Haddad on MSNBC
- Syria News Update (31 August 2013)
- Syria News Update (29-30 August 2013)
- الهجمات بالسلاح الكيمياوي والتدخلّات العسكرية
- As the United States Prepares to Strike Syria: Jadaliyya Co-Editor Bassam Haddad on Democracy Now
- Maghreb Media Roundup (August 30)
- Syria Media Roundup (August 29)
- Oil Nationaliazation and the 1953 Coup in Iran: A Conversation with Ervand Abrahamian
- Turkey Media Roundup (August 28)
- ملف من الأرشيف: اسماعيل شمّوط
- اسماعيل شمّوط: الذاكرة تتّخذ جسداً
- O.I.L. Media Roundup (28 August)
- New Texts Out Now: Christiane Gruber and Sune Haugbolle, Visual Culture in the Modern Middle East
- Chemical Attacks and Military Interventions
- Bu Ulvi Mucadelemizde: Misir'dan sonra, Turkiye ve Teror uzerine
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (August 27)
- Istanbul, Its People, and Their Limits
- Tadween Roundup: News and Analysis in Publishing and Academia from the Arab World
- Final Sahnesi: Rojava
- إصلاح أسواق العمل في بلدان الخليج العربية التبريد بالقبّعة
- Egypt Media Roundup (August 26)
- بورسعيد: ليلة وصباحيّة
- Last week on Jadaliyya (August 19-25)