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Top 100 on Jadaliyya in 2014


This is a list of the mostread articles in 2014. Thanks to you, this year has by far attracted the broadest readership we have had since Jadaliyya's inception in 2010. Significantly, 2014 was also the year in which our Arabic articles readership grew exponentially, along with our general readership from within the region. Unfortunately, the daily news and developments from and within the region is far from rosy.

We hope we are contributing to mitigating the effects of bad news by providing alternative sound anaylisis and reporting, as well as literary and cultural material. Equally significant, we hope that the research resources and tools we are publishing on a weekly basis are providing additional support for educators and journalists alike. 

Enjoy the new year and another installment of daily publishing from Jadaliyya.



  1. No, Israel Does Not Have the Right to Self-Defense In International Law Against Occupied Palestinian Territory
  2. Can Palestinian Men be Victims? Gendering Israel's War on Gaza
  3. Is Gaza Still Occupied and Why Does It Matter?
  4. Over 100 Middle East Studies Scholars and Librarians Call for the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions
  5. Open Letter to Mr. Rem Koolhaas
  6. Ghosts of Yogas Past and Present
  7. Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat Debates the Tactics and Ethics of Warfare on PBS Newshour
  8. Teaching Arabic in the US after 9/11
  9. كامل نص الدستور السوري الجديد الذي تسلمه بشار الأسد
  10. The Perils of American Muslim Politics
  11. How Not To Understand ISIS
  12. Foucault, Fanon, Intellectuals, Revolutions
  13. Open Letter to Scarlett Johansson and Oxfam
  14. Progressive Struggles against Insidious Capitalist Individualism: Interview with Angela Davis
  15. The Whispers of WhatsApp: Beyond Facebook and Twitter in the Middle East
  16. Moral Panics, Sex Panics and the Production of A Lebanese Nation
  17. HRW Whitewashes Israel, The Law Supports Hamas: Some Reflections on Israel’s Latest Massacre
  18. Let Us Now Praise Murderous Men; Lebanese Presidential Candidates, Considered
  19. Gay Rights as Human Rights: Pinkwashing Homonationalism
  20. Reflections on the State of Islamic Studies
  21. Zionism, BDS, and American Muslim Leadership
  22. Waiting for Alia
  23. وقفة احتجاجية لعاملات الجنس في تونس
  24. On Recent Events in Mosul and Other Cities in Iraq
  25. Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat Responds to Israeli General Consul Regarding Operation Brother’s Keeper On Al Jazeera America
  26. The Dangers of Liberalism: Foucault and Postcoloniality in France
  27. Incremental Genocide: An Interview with Ilan Pappe
  28. جنرالات مصر ورأس المال العابر للحدود
  29. Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat “Debates” Senior Advisor to Israeli Ambassador on Democracy Now!
  30. Statement: Over 250 Anthropologists Join Call for a Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions
  31. Beyond 'Tolerance' and 'Intolerance': Deconstructing the Myth of the Islamic Golden Age
  32. الاعتداء الجنسي على الأطفال في المغرب تحت غطاء القانون والتقاليد
  33. First Official Statement by Steven Salaita Concerning His Termination from UIUC
  34. The Effects of The Economic Sanctions Against Iran
  35. Linking Violence In Solidarity: Ferguson, Gaza, and the US State
  36. On Why Struggles over Urban Space Matter: An Interview with David Harvey
  37. "V for Vendetta": The Other Face of Egypt's Youth Movement
  38. The FBI’s War on Fake Terrorism
  39. Letting Go of Revolutionary Purity
  40. ISIS: The Explosion of Narratives - The Land of the Revolution Between Political and Metaphysical Eternities
  41. Cary Nelson: The Lackey of Power
  42. ما الذي يحدث في مصر الآن؟
  43. The Un-Islamic State
  44. Essential Viewing: Five Tunisian Films from a Postrevolutionary Perspective
  45. Sexual Violence, Women’s Bodies, and Israeli Settler Colonialism
  46. استباحة النساء في المجال العام 1
  47. Knowledge as Politics by Other Means: An Interview with Wael Hallaq (Part One)
  48. Joint Declaration by International Law Experts on Israel’s Gaza Offensive
  49. أهل التحديث يا ليل: عن أساطير التحديث الاقتصادي في مصر القادمة
  50. The Empire of Sexuality: An Interview with Joseph Massad
  51. How Not to Study Gender in the Middle East
  52. ماذا فعلت «حماس» بالمناهج؟
  53. الظاهر بيبرس وإبنه بركة خان
  54. وين فلسطين يا عُمَر؟
  55. A Fashionable Revolution: Veiling, Morality, and Consumer Culture in Iran
  56. Within The Dreaming: Imagining a Different Lebanon
  57. جميلة بوحيرد
  58. Cairo: The Myth of a City on the Verge of Explosion
  59. Suphi Nejat Agirnasli’nin Anisina
  60. Israel Mows the Lawn
  61. Tribalism in the Arabian Peninsula: It Is a Family Affair
  62. The End of Impunity
  63. Racism is the Foundation of Israel's Operation Protective Edge
  64. لماذا لم يثر الصعيد؟ محاولة أولية للفهم ودعوة للنقاش
  65. The Violence of Climate Change in Egypt
  66. What is Settler Colonialism?
  67. On Erdogan’s ‘Ordinary Things’: The Soma Massacre, the Spine Tower, and the Corporate-State’s Fitrat in Turkey
  68. Muslims and the Path of Intellectual Slavery: An Interview with Wael Hallaq (Part Two)
  69. حوار شامل مع المفكر المغربي عبد الله العروي
  70. المسلسلات التركية وفقاعة الاختراق والتأثير في الوطن العربي
  71. The Palestinian Capitalists That Have Gone Too Far
  72. الصراع على المساجد في مصر: بحثاً عن كنيسة الاسلام
  73. The Sadness of Post-Militance: Some Reflections on Brown University’s 'New Directions in Palestine Studies' Conference
  74. رحلتي إلى الراب والسياسة والسجن
  75. The Naked Bodies of Alia
  76. When Your Name is on the Blacklist
  77. What’s Happening in Turkey? A Roundtable with the Turkey Page Editors
  78. ما هي النكبة؟
  79. The Poverty of Moral Answers to Political Questions: On Perceptions of Islam in the Wake of ISIS
  80. ISIS in the News: Extensive Media Roundup (August-September 2014)
  81. Adunis, Mistranslated (Part One)
  82. Rojava and Kurdish Political Parties in Syria
  83. Reflections on Not Writing about the Syrian Conflict
  84. قصة نافخ الدواليب لسميرة عزام
  85. يا أهلا بالمذابح
  86. غزة في أعمال الفنانة الفلسطينية رنا بشارة
  87. Remembering Graham Usher
  88. Inhabiting a Grudge
  89. Month-by-Month Summary of Developments in Syria (Updated)
  90. حول الأحداث الأخيرة في الموصل ومدن أخرى في العراق
  91. Stillbirth: The New Liberal-Conservative Mobilization in Turkey
  92. Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject
  93. Allegory of a Revolution: José Clemente Orozco’s “The Trench”
  94. موتٌ معلن في السعودية
  95. Watching ISIS on TV
  96. ISIS in the News: Extensive Media Roundup (August-September 2014)
  97. Revolution on Ice
  98. Open Letter to Trinity College President and Dean
  99. The Moral Economy of Settler Colonialism: Israel and the “Evacuation Trauma” 
  100. Letter to Obama Administration on Egyptian State Violations of Human Rights

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