[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to syria@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]
Inside Syria
Syria aims to 'flush out all terrorists' in 2015 - PM
Syria’s government plans to “flush out all terrorists” within a year.
Battered Syrian city deals with post-victory reality check
The victory in Kobani, Syria, is far from assured and “increasingly appears Pyrrhic.”
Jaish Al-Islam goes after another rival
Jaish al-Islam and allied factions continue to eradicate minor factions in East Gouta, claiming they’re linked to IS.
Inside Syria's Jails
Alise Mofrej describes the horror stories inside the prison cells of Syria.
After defeating Islamic State in Kobane, what next for Syria's Kurds? The battle may have been won in Kobane, but the challenge is rebuilding Kobane and changing military to political gains.
Voices from the Caliphate – Deir al-Zour
Farah Nasif tells stories of how Syrians in ISIS-controlled Deir al-Zour respond to ISIS rule in different ways varying from adapting, staying home, pretending piety or even travelling to regime-controlled areas.
It is crucial to recognise Syria’s new reality
Hassan Hassan argues, "even if Bashar Al Assad is willing to cooperate with foreign countries to end the Syrian conflict, the international community can't hope that extremism will be uprooted without addressing the political and social roots of the crisis."
Kobani hospitals overflow as battle continues
Massoud Hamed writes about how makeshift hospitals are being set up in basements and schools across Kobani to treat fighters and civilians while armed groups have targeted the city’s main hospitals.
The Arabic version of this article can be found here:
الصراع المسلّح في مدينة كوباني والمستشفيات الميدانيّة هدف الجماعات المسلّحة
Regional and International Perspectives
With peace talks in Moscow, Russia positions itself as the indispensable actor
Reva Bhalla gives her analysis on how “Moscow is positioning itself as the indispensible actor in Syria.”
ISIS Tactics Questioned as Hostages Dwindle
“F.B.I. claims ISIS-affiliated group is tasked with kidnapping journalists in the region & returning them to Syria”
As US targets ISIS, al Qaeda's Syria branch waits in the wings
Lauren Williams compares between ISIS plans and The Nusra Front plans to build an Islamic state and discusses the effect of the US air campaign on these plans.
‘We are so proud' – the women who died defending Kobani against Isis
After Kurdish forces took full control of Kobani, Mona Mahmood speaks to four Kurdish families about the female fighters contributions to this triumph.
Infographic: understanding sectarianism
Craig Browne provides an accessible introduction to how sect and sectarianism can be understood in Syria and the Middle East.
The intimacy of tyranny: Syria's de facto state legitimacy
Estella Carpi explores the intricacies of the abusive citizen-state relationship in Syria, and the state's Hobbesian passion for self-preservation.
Moaz al-Kasaesbeh: profile of Jordanian pilot burned alive by Isil
Ruth Sherlock writes a profile about Lt Moaz Kasaesbeh, who was shown burned alive by ISIS jihadists in a video released on February 3rd.
Policy and Reports
The Political Geography of Syria's War: An Interview with Fabrice Balanche
Aron Lund conducts an interesting interview with Fabriche Balanche that takes a closer look at Syria’s war and the “interplay between power, community, and territory.”
Activism in Difficult Times: Civil Society Groups in Syria 2011 - 2014
In this study, Rana Khalaf, Oula Ramadan, Friederike Stolleis, present and analyze the results of a quantitative and qualitative mapping of 94 civil society groups and Local Councils representing the vast majority of local activist groupings in non-government-controlled areas of Syria whose focus is mainly on issues other than humanitarian aid.
Economy and Agriculture
Through the camera's lens, a snapshot of life in Ghouta
Food prices, as well as fuel prices, have gone sky high in eastern Ghouta and people can no longer afford it. As a result, Syrians are suffering from malnutrition and have been falling ill and malnourished.
Assad's Bread Problem
Jose Ciro Martinez and Brent Eng on the regime’s crumbling economy in Syria.
Documentaries, Special Reports, and Other Media
العدد الأول من النشرة الإخبارية لعام 2015 لمنظمة العفو الدولية
In this first 2015 newsletter of Amnesty International, many articles about international human rights issues including an article about #OpenToSyria campaign.
مقابر كفرنبل أندية تعارف وحكايات من رحلوا
Mustapha al-Jalal writes about the ways in which Kafr Nabel’s cemeteries became a meeting place to remember and talk about those who have died in the Syrian conflict.
The English version of this article can be found here:
Families Mourn in Kfar Nabel’s Graveyards
كيف يمكن للإعلام أن يساعد اللاجئات السوريات؟
Katty Alhayek provides recommendations on how traditional and new media can help Syrian refugee women by covering their divers stories and roles.
ورش عمل لحماية الطفل السوري من الإعتداء والاستغلال
Vyan Mohammad writes about a new initiative in Al-Hasakah province that supports children’s development amid the brutal ongoing war.
The English version of this article can be found here:
Syrians Welcome Efforts to Protect Children in Conflict
إعادة الإعمار: بين مؤسسات النيوليبرالية والاستبداد!(1)
Mohamad Dibo criticizes Syria reconstruction discourse by both the Syrian regime and the neoliberal Abdullah Dardari's project.
كيف مات بائعو الفول.. أصدقائي؟
Hazar AL-herk tells her story with sellers of beans in Damascus and wonders about their current fate.
السكن الجماعي الحل الأوفر للسوريين في تركيا
Mosab al-Shihab discusses the ways in which Syrians cope with lack of work opportunities in Turkey as well as the increasing accommodation demand and local resentment.
The English version of this article can be found here:
Syrian Refugees Forced to Share Housing in Turkey
... وجبهة النصرة أيضاً «باقية وتتمدد»
Tareq Aziza writes about how Jabhat al-Nusra is expanding within its areas of operation in Lebanon and becoming larger, and how jihadists continue to swell the ranks of Jolani’s group because it is the official Al-Qaeda branch.
The English version of this article can be found here:
Jabhat al-Nusra will also “remain and expand”
سوريا: تجارة الأعضاء البشرية تزدهر!
Ala'a Halabi writes about human organ trafficking in Syria as a business that exploits more than 18,000 documented cases.
المشهد الصحي في سوريا: رعاية وتلقيح تحت وطأة الحرب
Sana Ali discusses health situation in Syria and focuses on child vaccination campaigns.
عن الليبراليين والأصوليين في سوريا
Thaer A. Deeb criticizes the dominant narrative that claims that Islamist fundamentalists hijacked the revolution from the Syrian liberals.
كيف تساعد إسرائيل مقاتلي المعارضة السوريّة؟
Khaled Atallah discusses recent claims by Syrian opposition activists in southern Syria about how Israel has played a vital role in Jabhat al-Nusra’s recent gains in Quneitra and Daraa.
The English version of this article can be found here:
Are Israel, Jabhat al-Nusra coordinating on attacks in Syria?
زواج القاصرات في سوريا ضريبة مضاعفة تدفعها الإناث
Mustafa Mohammed writes about female child marriages as a price that Syrian women pay in the ongoing conflict.
حنا بطاطو: كل شيء عن سورية
Nawal al-Ali reviews the Arabic edition of Batatu's book, “Syria's Peasantry, the Descendants of Its Lesser Rural Notables, and Their Politics.”