Internships At ASI
(& Internships for College Credit)
Fall 2015/Spring 2016
The Arab Studies Institute (ASI) is now offering new internship opportunities that involve training, research, and production at various levels in one of ASI’s five organizations: Arab Studies Journal, Jadaliyya, Forum on Arab and Muslim Affairs, Quilting Point, and Tadween Publishing. The internships offered are in several areas, but we are particularly looking for the following:
A. Research Associates for a project on knowledge production within academia, think-tanks, pop-culture, and the media.
B. Editors and Copy-Editors with experience in editing and knowledge of the region (Arabic and English language).
C. Reporters/Researchers for Jadaliyya (English and Arabic language).
D. Audio/Video Editors and Producers.
StatusAudioJournal internship positions are now avaialable
ASI is looking for candidates who are self-motivated, prone to collaborative efforts, and eager to develop their skills in a variety of respects. Despite specialization in particular areas, ASI interns will be trained to develop various sets of skills (including writing, type-setting, editing, networking, managing, and/or administrating), especially if they remain on board for more than one term.
Applicants may apply for an ASI internship online by clicking here:
• Cover letter (clearly indicating your area of interest and previous expertise)
• Resume or CV
• Two references (contact information and relationship)
• Writing sample orportfolio (optional)
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.Internships involve a ten- to fifteen-hour weekly commitment, mostly via cyber-space. Location of applicants need not be in Washington DC in most cases. Inquiries may be sent to:
Apply at
Arab Studies Institute Internship for College Credit Program
Our Internship for Credit Program (ICP) is optional. Candidates who are selected after the application review process may enroll in the program. ICP involves a minimum commitment of 15 hours per week, extensive research/engagement, a mentor, and a final writing project.
The Arab Studies Institute’s Internship for Credit Program is designed to work with qualified undergraduate and graduate students who would like to earn college credit while participating in an internship with ASI. While the exact conversion of internship hours to credit hours will be determined by the requirements of the individual student’s program, ASI has prepared a list of standardized expectations which conform to national standards for internship for credit programs.
Benefit to the Student Intern
Of foremost concern to ASI is the benefits the student will receive while completing this program, and we expect that each student intern will have the opportunity to achieve the following benefits in addition to working toward academic credit:
- Career-related experience
- Practical knowledge of the field
- Opportunity to explore career avenues
- Valuable experience for CVs/resumes
- Increased practice-based self-confidence
- Training which enhances conventional classroom learning methods
- Letters of recommendation from supervisor(s) and co-workers
Responsibilities of the Student Intern
- While the exact duties of each individual may vary across internships, we expect that each student intern will be held to the following standard of responsibilities:
- Adhere to policies, procedures, and rules governing professional behavior
- Maintain a punctual and reliable working relationship, abiding by the work schedule and number of hours agreed to by the intern and his or her supervisor
- Communicate regularly with the supervisor, particularly in situations where the intern may need to adjust the terms of the working relationship (e.g. reschedule a meeting)
- Respect the confidentiality of the workplace and employees
- Take the initiative to volunteer for tasks or projects that the intern finds interesting
- Communicate any problems with the intern’s supervisor, or if necessary, ASI’s internship coordinator
Internship Requirements
In addition to these general expectations, the student intern will also be required to meet the following requirements during the term of his or her internship:
- Meet a minimum commitment of 15 hours of work per week
- Develop a working relationship with the supervisor, such that he or she can adequately serve as a mentor
- Actively engage with research assignments, with a focus on how individual projects fold into the larger research agenda
- Conduct a final writing project upon completion of the internship, under the guidance of the supervisor. The writing project can range from one where the student intern can reflect upon his or her internship experience to actually producing a research paper that the mentor will help place in an appropriate publication.
Expectations of the Intern’s Supervisor
- In addition to setting a standard of expectation for our student interns, ASI expects a similar standard from each individual supervisor. As such, the supervisors will:
- Possess expertise in the specific area of the internship, whether academic or administrative
- Cultivate a good working relationship with the intern, and serve as his or her mentor
- Maintain a good line of communication with the intern, and be available for any questions
- Be responsible for training the intern, providing the intern with the tools necessary to complete the internship successfully
- Outline learning objectives for the student intern
- Provide the necessary evaluation forms for the intern’s academic program
- Oversee and assign the intern’s work, and assist where necessary
- Provide constructive feedback and suggestions to enhance the intern’s learning experience
- Provide a letter of recommendation at the conclusion of the internship
Expectations of the Internship Coordinator
ASI also maintains an Internship Coordinator, who facilitates the internship process, working with the interns and the internship supervisors to create a beneficial working environment to both the student and ASI. The Internship Coordinator’s responsibilities include:
- Working with the student’s specific academic program to determine what conditions need to be met in order for the internship to be eligible for credit, and making sure those conditions are known to both the student and his or her supervisor
- Facilitating the relationship between the student intern and the supervisor, and providing support for the intern wherever necessary
- Ensuring that the terms of the internship conform to the standards of both the U.S. Department of Labor, as well as the National Association for Colleges and Employers
For further information on any aspect of internships at ASI, email us at