[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Tuesday night of every week]
Algeria's Bouteflika replaces powerful head of military intelligence Reuters reports on President Bouteflika’s recent dismissal of Algeria’s most notorious military generals in hopes of demilitarizing politics.
L’Algérie dans le piège gazier Jean-Pierre Séréni writes for OrientXXI on Algerian gas and extractive industries during the recent oil price drops.
Un fléau en constante augmentation Psychiatrist Mahmoud Boudarène discusses the importance of a new detoxification project opening in Tizi Ouzou’s main hospital, along with drug addiction in country.
فيديو سارفنتس من سجون الجزائرإل حصون التاريخ Nafha Magazine presents a video on an Andalusian author and his time spent in Algeria.
Cheikh Khaled Bentounès (Tariqa Alawyia - Mostaganem, Algérie) sera l'invité des Sufi Night aux Bozar (Bruxelles), le 31 octobre 2015 Cheikh Khaled Bentounès is holding a religious conference in Brussles to promote inter-faith dialogue and knowledge of Sufi practices.
Libya rival governments reach "consensus"“Bernardino Leon said in Skhirat, Morocco, on Sunday that the two sides were able to "overcome their differences" on major outstanding issues, increasing the likelihood of signing a long-awaited agreement to form a unity government this month.” The deadline for the political unity agreement is set for 20 September 2015.
Libya's Migrant Trade: Europe or Die (Trailer) A trailer with Vice on the upcoming documentary covering illegal migration to Europe through Libya.
Sirte – The Libyan City Abandoned by Libyans Mohamed Eljarh’s blog entry on the perish of the city of Sirte, at the mercy of the Islamic State.
...ليبيا: قاعة السينما الوحيدة في طرابلس "محرمة" على النس France24 reports on Libya’s only remaining cinema still open to the public.
غياب السفير الأمريكي و السفارة الفرنسية عن اختتام التشاور حول الحوار Taqadoumy comments on US and French absence from opening of political dialogue between president Aziz’s government and the opposition.
اهداف مباراة موريتانيا و جنوب أفريقيا (3-1) تصفيات امم افريقيا A highlight reel of Mauritania’s three goals in the recent match against South Africa.
وفاة أشهر مصور صحفي في موريتانيا Muhammad Abd-Allah Oueld Muhammad Hayth, one of Mauritania’s most famous journalists, dies of natural causes.
موريتانيا: المدونون ينشغلون بتعديل الحكومة ويعتبرونه بلا مدلولات Mauritanian president Abdel Aziz issued a decree reshifting the makeup of his ministerial cabinet; one of the largest governmental reformations in his presidency.
MOROCCAN WRITER ABDELLAH TAÏA LOVES SORCERY AND MEN WITH MOUSTACHES Ahmed Ibrahim and Abdellah Taia discuss issues surrounding homosexuality in Egypt and Morocco, and Taia’s film adaptation of Salvation Army.
WAFAA CHARAF, TRANSFÉRÉE DE PRISON APRÈS AVOIR DÉNONCÉ DES MAUVAIS TRAITEMENTS ACAT report on Wafaa Charaf’s prison transfer after she denounced abusive treatment in Moroccan jails.
انتخابات المجالس الجهوية: حزب الأصالة والمعاصرة يتصدر بحصوله على رئاسة خمس جهات Goud’s publishes an analysis of the recent regional council elections.
World's Largest Phosphate Miner Said Open to Overseas Investors The Office Cherifien Des Phosphates (OCP), “Ninety-five percent owned by the Moroccan state, is studying bringing in investors such as sovereign wealth funds as a prelude to an initial public offering within two to three years.”
Haider, le jeune réfugié syrien est arrivé au Maroc Syrian refugee Haider Jalabi was admitted in Morocco following a large media campaign after he was deported to Turkey from the Casablanca airport.
Rosh Hashanah in Tunisia: a rabbi reflects on the power of Muslim-Jewish solidarity Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on situation of Tunisian Jews and the evolution of social dynamics since last year’s discrimination acts against the Jewish community.
«المصالحة الاقتصادية».. بداية عودة فساد “بن علي” في تونس Mahmoud Ali critiques the Economic Reconciliation Pact, which he views as a return to Ben Ali’s corruption.
Transport aérien: signature d'une convention de coopération entre Air Algérie et Tunisair A new cooperation agreement has been struck between Tunisair and Air Algerie.
‘Préludes’, le nouveau spectacle de Mohamed Ali Kamoun le 19 Septembre à Paris Tunisian pianist Mohamed Ali Kamoun to perform his new composition on 19 September in Paris.
Western Sahara
First Kazakh Armed Forces Military Observer Returns from Western Sahara Captain Temirlan Musapirov of the Kazakh Armed Forces comments on the United Nations Peacekeeping mission in the Western Sahara.
Cuba Vows to Continue Supporting Sahrawi Education“Cuba's acting Education Minister Cira Pineiro Alonso met with Sahrawi Ambassador Malainin Etgana Wednesday, and vowed to deepen education ties with the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).”
Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb
A Statement of Solidarity with Moroccan Historian, Maâti Monjib Activists mobilize in solidarity with Moroccan historian Maâti Monjib, who is wanted for "undermining state security" and has been prevented from leaving the countrry.
Arab Maghreb Union: Overcoming Competition in Favor of Cooperation (Part I) Wafa Ben Hassine provides an overview of the history of the Arab Maghreb Union, analyzing the reasons behind its failures and why it should be revived.
Behind the Imprisonment of Mauritanian Anti-Slavery Activists Hassan Ould Moctar explains the background behind the Mauritanian government's repression of activists fighting against slavery.
The Moroccan Non-Exception: A Party, an Army, and a Palace (Part I) Jadaliyya co-editor, Samia Errazzouki, writes on the relationship between the Moroccan monarchy, the Moroccan Liberation Army, and the Istiqlal Party. Read the second part here.
The Moroccan Non-Exception: 'Much Loved' and Realism, Colonialism, and Pornography in Moroccan Cinema Moroccan filmmaker, Nadir Bouhmouch, critiques the controversial "Much Loved" film, which tackles the issue of prostitution in Morocco, while also raising critiques against the reactions that followed its release.
The Moroccan Non-Exception: A Conversation with Ahmed Marzouki, Former Tazmamart Detainee Scholar Abdeslam Maghraoui interviews one of the last remaining former prisoners held in the infamous Tazmamart secret prison.
The Moroccan Non-Exception: Roundtable Introduction Jadaliyya Maghreb Page Editors introduce a roundtable series, featuring articles challenging notions of "Moroccan exceptionalism."