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Maghreb Media Roundup (September 30)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Tuesday night of every week]


Algeria reconciliation proves elusive decade after deal Abdellah Cheballah comments on the ten year anniversary of Algeria’s reconciliation project, and the elusiveness of truth on the “Black Decade.”

Constantine 2015: hommage posthume aux chouyoukh du Zdjel en marge de l'exposition "Des voix à la nouba" Huffpost Algérie covers the recent event held in Constantine as a tribute to the Shuyukh of Zdjel Nuba patrimony.

La chute de « Rab Dzaïr », le « dieu d’Alger » Lahouari Addi analyzes the legacy of Mohamed Lamine Mediene, civil society, and security in Algeria.

قرّاء نفحة لا-أحد بإمكانه تعويض حسني Nafha remembers Cheb Hasni and his musical legacy on the anniversary of his death.


En Libye, la guerre oubliée des Touaregs et des Toubous Valerie Stocker’s analyzes the war opposing Touareg and Toubou militias in the Fezzan region, and external actors’ manipulation of the conflict.

‘British’ female jihadists urge opening new ISIS front in Libya British female jihadists currently residing in Libya use social media to demand the opening of a new Islamic State front in Libya.

احمد الشعافي - دادي الهوني مأساه - Ahmed al shafee & Dade - MASA HD New video clip by Libyan rappers Ahmed al-Shafee and Dade denouncing the country’s political situation.s

فيديو: ما مصير حارسات الزعيم الليبي الراحل معمر القذافي؟ France24 reports on the fate of Gaddafi’s female guards.

Barack Obama admits ‘mistakes’ in Libya“US President Barack Obama said on Monday the international community should have done more to avoid a leadership vacuum in Libya, which has been in disarray since the fall of Muammar Qaddafi four years ago.”


اليسار الموريتاني يتظاهر في أمريكا لإطلاق سراح بيرام ورفاقه Mauritanians living in New York organized a protest calling for the release of anti-slavery activist Biram Dah Abeid from prison.

فرقة اجنبية تغني للفنان الموريتاني الخليفة ولد ايدة اغنية ويدلالي An andalusian music group performs a Mauritanian song by the great Wal Eidou “Way Da Lally”

اسنيم و اللوبي الخفي ! /عطاف ولد عبد الرحمن Aataf Oueld Abd Al-Rahman writes an op-ed on the National Company of Industry and Mines (SNIM) and its treatment of employees.

خطاب الرئيس الموريتاني في الدورة العادية الـ70 للجمعية العامة 26/09/2015 President Aziz addresses the seventieth United Nations General Assembly.

Kinross Gold struggling to reverse losses at Mauritania’s Tasiast mine“‘It was a broken promise,’ says Fatimatou El Meidah, an opposition member of Parliament. “They said they would create 4,000 jobs and now instead they are getting rid of 250 people.’”


Morocco blocks Ikea store amid reported diplomatic rift“The government has suspended the opening of the country's first Ikea store, in a last-minute decision reportedly linked to diplomatic tensions over the Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara.”

N3rdistan: Electrofying and Poetic Artisthick covers electronic instrumental band N3rdistan, featured in L’Boulevard festival.

Le Prix Littéraire La Mamounia 2015 décerné à Leila Slimani. Chronique de Mohamed Nedali Leila Slimani wins the Mamounia literary prize for Le Jardin de L’Ogre, a novel that discusses female sexual compulsiveness.

Qui étaient ces réfugiés européens qui s'exilaient au Maroc dans les années 40? (VIDÉO) Huffpost Maghreb reports on the Europeans who escaped World War II to seek refuge in Morocco in the 1940s.

A Guantanamo Bay Detainee Has Been Sent Home to Morocco and Nobody's Heard from Him Since Younous Chekkouri, Moroccan ex-detainee at Guantanamo Bay, is missing after his transfer to a Moroccan jail. It is believed that Chekkouri is being interrogated by authorities.


Une inquiétante remontée de la natalité en Tunisie et dans le monde arabe Demography expert Youssef Courbage analyzes the increasing birth rates in Tunisia.

Outrage After Tunisia Arrests and Anally Probes A Man For Being Gay Vice reports on the public outrage after Tunisian authorities arrest an allegedly homosexual man and subject him to anal testing.

#شاهد | قرية تجاور أضخم مخزون مياه في #تونس.. محرومة من الماء! Al Jazeera reports on the drought affecting Bouzna, located in a region with the largest water reserves in Tunisia.

قريبا المنصف المرزوقي مقدم برنامج "الموجة الثانية" على قناة الشرق Ex-President and human rights activist Moncef Merzouki to present new television program on Al-Sharq.

Télécoms : Lyca , nouvel opérateur mobile en Tunisie Kapitalis writes on the implantation of virtual network operator LycaMobile.

Western Sahara

Is Europe Complicit in the Plundering of Western Sahara? Johannes Hautaviita considers the implications of international oil drilling in Western Sahara.

Western Sahara: Saharawi presence at UN Human Rights Council “Mr Sidi Fadel appealed to representatives of permanent missions to the UN Human Rights Council and the international community to urgently pressure Morocco, to fulfil the 1955 UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Protection of Prisoners (SMR)”

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

Tunisia: The Counter Demographic Transition Khadija Mohsen-Finan interviews researcher Youssef Courbage on the increasing birth rates in Tunisia.

The Ongoing, Steady Gains of Morocco's Islamist Party Dörthe Engelcke examines the mounting successes of Morocco's leading Islamist party, the Party of Justice and Development (PJD).

A Statement of Solidarity with Moroccan Historian, Maâti Monjib Activists mobilize in solidarity with Moroccan historian Maâti Monjib, who is wanted for "undermining state security" and has been prevented from leaving the countrry. 

Arab Maghreb Union: Overcoming Competition in Favor of Cooperation (Part I) Wafa Ben Hassine provides an overview of the history of the Arab Maghreb Union, analyzing the reasons behind its failures and why it should be revived. Read the second part here.

Behind the Imprisonment of Mauritanian Anti-Slavery Activists Hassan Ould Moctar explains the background behind the Mauritanian government's repression of activists fighting against slavery.

The Moroccan Non-Exception: A Party, an Army, and a Palace (Part I) Jadaliyya co-editor, Samia Errazzouki, writes on the relationship between the Moroccan monarchy, the Moroccan Liberation Army, and the Istiqlal Party. Read the second part here.

The Moroccan Non-Exception: 'Much Loved' and Realism, Colonialism, and Pornography in Moroccan Cinema Moroccan filmmaker, Nadir Bouhmouch, critiques the controversial "Much Loved" film, which tackles the issue of prostitution in Morocco, while also raising critiques against the reactions that followed its release.

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