[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Tuesday night of every week]
Algeria Backs Venezuela on OPEC, Non-OPEC Summit to Boost Prices Algeria supports Venezuela’s pursuit of an equilibrium price at eighty-eight dollars per barrel.
Algeria seeks Chinese help with $2bn port scheme Algeria is planning one of its largest infrastructure projects to develop a new major port to handle thirty-five million tons of goods per year.
Algeria reiterates support for Western Sahara’s right to self-determination As the Secretary General's Personal Envoy to the United Nations Mission in Western Sahara, Christopher Ross seeks a renewal of discussions between Morocco and the Polisario Front.
الحق في تصفح المواقع البورنوغرافية Nafaha Magazine discusses censorship and pornography in Algiera.
How the west broke Libya and returned it to the hatred of the past Yasmina Khadra analyzes the West’s responsibilities and duties in the Libyan crisis.
Syrie, Libye... quand Sarkozy refait l'histoire Liberation examines Nicolas Sarkozy’s comments about French foreign policy in Libya.
ليبيا: انقسامات عميقة.. وحوار عقيم! Report provides an overview on Libya’s failed attempts to create a coalition government, with the rationale that a solution can only be found through the Libyans, within Libya.
هل سد الباب في وجه الاستقرار في البلد؟ / محمد محمود ولد بكار Muhammad Mahmoud Oueld Bakar writes on Mauritania’s current position in the world, highlighting decisions successive political regimes have made and their effects on society.
موريتانيا تمنع اللباس التقليدي في مؤسسات التعليم Sahara Media writes skeptically on the Mauritanian government’s banning of traditional clothing in schools.
Mauritania Needs Urgent Food Assistance, Says WFP Head“She called on the international community for support, saying the food assistance program has only half the money needed to continue food distribution for the next six months”
Mauritania: Anti-human trafficking action plan to be validated The Commission for Human Rights and Humanitarian Action in Mauritania is initiating a new plan to address human trafficking in the country.
Le CNDH recommande l'égalité successorale et dresse un tableau sombre de la parité A recent National Human Rights Council recommends new reforms in terms of inheritance law and gender discrimination.
Intervention des forces de l'ordre à la faculté de médecine de Rabat Video shows Moroccan auxiliary forces abusing medical student protesters on strike.
Morocco poised to become a solar superpower with launch of desert mega-project In Ouarzazate, “a complex of four linked solar mega-plants that, alongside hydro and wind, will help provide nearly half of Morocco’s electricity from renewables by 2020 with, it is hoped, some spare to export to Europe.”
"مسيرة الأقصى" بالدار البيضاء تثير غضب يهود مغاربة The Moroccan Jewish community responds to the march in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
تونس .. اختتام أيام قرطاج المسرحية A report on the Theatre Festival of Carthage organized in Tunis, in which about a hundred national and international plays were presented.
En Tunisie, l’« unité nationale » contre la démocratie OrientXXI critiques Tunisia’s democratization strategy and expresses the necessity of dissensus and debate in the political sphere.
Algérie-Tunisie : L’obligation du permis de travail supprimée pour les ressortissants des deux pays A bilateral agreement between Algeria and Tunisia gives new opportunities for workers of both states in terms of suppressing work permits.
قضية اغتيال شكري بلعيد : تأجيل المحاكمة إلى 1 ديسمبر القادم The trial of Chokri Belaid’s presumed murderers, expected to take place this 30 October 2015, was postponed to 1 December 2015.
Western Sahara
Western Sahara goes to Europe“The underlying complaint by the Western Sahara NGO is that both EU measures fail to distinguish between the sovereign territory of Morocco and Western Sahara, as they should, given that Morocco’s occupation is in breach of the principles of international law and the UN Charter governing the right of self-determination.”
Hillary Clinton, Phosphates and Western Sahara Stephen Zunes discusses Hillary Clinton’s donation for phosphate extraction, and the implications for Morocco’s control over the Western Sahara.
Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb
Libya: The Forgotten War of the Tebu and Tuareg Valérie Stocker sheds light on the violence marring southern Libya.
Social Dialogue Under The Gun in Tunisia Ian M. Hartshorn contextualizes the developments with regard to negotiations in Tunisia, looking at the various actors and processes that have led up to the present day.
De-dramatizing Algerian Politics Brahim Rouabah writes on the recent changes in Algeria's political sphere, dispelling dominant notions in media.
Tunisia: The Counter Demographic Transition Khadija Mohsen-Finan interviews researcher Youssef Courbage on the increasing birth rates in Tunisia.
The Ongoing, Steady Gains of Morocco's Islamist Party Dörthe Engelcke examines the mounting successes of Morocco's leading Islamist party, the Party of Justice and Development (PJD).
A Statement of Solidarity with Moroccan Historian, Maâti Monjib Activists mobilize in solidarity with Moroccan historian Maâti Monjib, who is wanted for "undermining state security" and has been prevented from leaving the country.