This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.
- Alternative Strategies for Realizing Justice in Palestine
- ‘New Turkey’: Toward an Authoritarian and Sectarian Police State
- The Diaspora, Debt, and Dollarization: Unraveling Lebanon’s Resilience to a Sovereign Debt Crisis
- Thanksgiving: A Jadaliyya Reading List
- Arab Studies Journal Announces Fall 2015 Issue: Editors' Note and Table of Contents
- A Moveable Feast? Reflections on the French Coverage of the Paris Attacks
- Islamophobia Is An American Tradition
- Conference: Alternative Strategies for Realizing Justice In Palestine (13-15 December 2015)
- Turkey Could Cut Off the Islamic State’s Supply Lines. So Why Doesn’t It?
- Containing the Narrative: Portrait of a Killing in the West Bank
- Egypt Media Roundup (November 30)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (November 23-29)
- Syria Media Roundup (December 2)
- Photography Media Roundup (December 3)
- Cities Media Roundup (November 2015)
- DARS Media Roundup (November 2015)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (28 November 2015)
- Palestine Media Roundup (November 26-December 2)
- Jadaliyya Monthly Edition (November 2015)
- Jadaliyya Monthly Edition (November 2015)
- الأنثروبولوجيا والتراث الشعبي في الجزائر: تاريخ ومسارات
- Morocco: A Bipolarization under Royal Control
- Mukhtars in the Middle: Connecting State, Citizens and Refugees
- Women in the Men’s House: The Road to Equality in the Algerian Military
- ذاهب لكنني باق يا سوريا
- Palestine Media Roundup (November 26-December 2)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (28 November 2015)
- DARS Media Roundup (November 2015)
- Cities Media Roundup (November 2015)
- Militarized Neoliberalism: Jeff Halper's "War Against the People"
- Arab Studies Journal Announces Fall 2015 Issue: Editors' Note and Table of Contents
- Photography Media Roundup (December 3)
- Conference: Alternative Strategies for Realizing Justice In Palestine (13-15 December 2015)
- Syria Media Roundup (December 2)
- ‘New Turkey’: Toward an Authoritarian and Sectarian Police State
- New Texts Out Now: Anthony Gorman and Sossie Kasbarian, Diasporas of the Modern Middle East: Contextualizing Community
- Alternative Strategies for Realizing Justice in Palestine
- Containing the Narrative: Portrait of a Killing in the West Bank
- Islamophobia Is An American Tradition
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (November 23-29)
- Egypt Media Roundup (November 30)