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Maghreb Media Roundup (May 17)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


D’importants chefs d’Aqmi encerclés : trois militaires tués dans une opération antiterroriste à Bouira Faycal Hamdani reports that the Algerian army has killed three important AQIM leaders in a raid on their Algerian installations.

Crimes Contre L’Humanité Commis En Algérie : Les Réseaux Néo-Coloniaux Reprennent Du Service ! Dr. Salah-Eddine Sidhoum decries neocolonialism in Algeria through support for repressive regimes.

Santé de Bouteflika : l’absence d’un plan “B” Mounir B. describes uncertainty in Algeria’s government since President Bouteflika’s late April hospitalization.


Political Isolation Law (Arabic Session) Libyan Youth Voices and the International Political Forum host a discussion on Libya’s political isolation law, its effectiveness in addressing corruption and how to mitigate violent tendencies in the country.

Libyans in North Africa scared to return home Many Libyans are hesitant to return home because they fear they will be targeted as Gaddafi supporters, reports IRIN.

ICC: Libya's Bids to Try Gaddafi, Sanussi Human Rights Watch publishes a Q&A exploring the relationship between Libya and the International Criminal Court.


Grèves des Dockers : Une crise alimentaire pointe à l’horizon MOMS describes the effects of the recent dock workers strikes on Mauritanian trade.

Le Comité contre la torture examine le rapport de la Mauritanie The United Nations examines Mauritania’s report on torture finding confusion between the role of state and civil society and raises particular concerns about the state of prisons, slavery and violence against women.

Coordination de l'Opposition démocratique : Notre vision pour des élections libres, honnêtes et transparentes Mauritania’s Coordination of Democratic Opposition (COD) outlines their suggestions for good governance in the country.


Budget : Les institutions et les incertitudes Najib Koumina draws attention to the insufficiency of fiscal reform in the context of an uncertain global economy.

Immolation de Marrakech : la famille accuse les autorités locales Lakome features a video testimony of the family of Mbarek Lkrassi, who burned himself to death after continued persecution from local authorities.

Pau: le nouveau combat d'un ancien officier marocain en grève de la faim Odile Faure profiles Mahjoub Tobji, a Moroccan activist and former parachuter in the Moroccan army, in his hunger strike to draw attention to his non-receipt of retirement funds.

Fate of Moroccan government in king's hands Siham Ali and Mawassi Lahcen explain Istiqlal’s announcement to leave the Moroccan government, and their decision to suspend that decision per the king’s orders.


Tunisia: Revise the Draft Constitution Human Rights Watch raises concerns over language on “cultural specificity” in relation to human rights in the recent draft of the Tunisian constitution.

The global and local re-packaging and marketing of a “moderate” Islamist leader Mohamed-Salah Omri describes the commercialization of political discourse in Tunisia and implications for political Islam in Tunisia.

Recent Terror Attacks in Tunisia ‘Shatter’ Illusions of Stability Meriem Dhaouadi reports on the use of land mines in recent terror attacks in Tunisia, highlighting reports that they are “worse than under Ben Ali.”

Ansar Acharia menace Ennahdha de divulguer des dossiers compromettants Lilia Weslaty describes increasing tensions between Tunisian government and Ansar al-Sharia.

Western Sahara

Investigate alleged torture of six detained Sahrawis Amnesty International calls for investigation in the case of Western Sahara activists – one of whom included a child.

Le Sahara occidental a-t-il droit à l'indépendance ? Newsring magazine publishes an online poll and discussion forum on Western Sahara’s independence.

Smara : des habitants tabassés par la police, le Polisario diffuse les vidéos The POLISARIO circulates videos of Smara residents being attacked by police.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

Eye on the Libyan General National Congress: Seventh Report Jadaliyya reports on Bokra Youth Organization and H20 Team’s latest report on the Libyan General National Congress.

The Facade of Political Crises in Morocco Samia Errazzouki analyzes Istiqlal’s recent threat of exit from Moroccan government, deeming it a maneuver under the power of the king.

Algeria Between “la Boulitique” and la Politique: A Tale of Two Youths Muriam Haleh Davis warns of the futility of football fervor as politics.

السلفيون الجهاديّون في تونس: سر انتشارهم الواسع في الأوساط الشعبيّة Ghassan Bin Khalifa describes Salafism in Tunisia.

Libya: Which Fate for Gaddafi’s Henchmen? Abdullah Elmazzi outlines potential problems with Libya’s political isolation law, drawing comparisons with the de-Baathification of Iraq.

Alternative Worlds at the 2013 Social Forum in Tunis Frances Hasso describes her experiences at the recent WSF, highlighting its value as a “discursive and symbolic space” to explore alternatives to neoliberalism, patriarchy, and conflict.

Le Sahara, l’identité et l’africanité dans la littérature francophone du Sud-est: Moha Souag s’exprime Brahim el Guabli interviews Moha Souag about his body of francophone literature centering on the Sahara and identity.

Eye on the Libyan General National Congress: Sixth Report Jadaliyya reports on the Bokra Youth Organization and H20 Team’s evaluation of the actions of Libya’s General National Council.

من يكتب أدب الثورة؟ Brahim El Guabli explores the crucial role of literature in articulating revolution.

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