UK Professors Push Back against Government Plans for Open Access
[The following article was originally published on Tadween Publishing's blog. For more information on the publishing world as it relates to pedagogy and knowledge production, follow Tadween Publishing...
View ArticleJadaliyya Monthly Edition (January 2013)
This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya during the month of January 2013. It also includes the most recent videos, roundups and the most read articles. Progressively, we will be...
View ArticleMaghreb Media Roundup (January 25 and February 1)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya....
View ArticleMohamed Majd
The great Moroccan actor Mohamed Majd passed away last Thursday, at the age of seventy-three, at a clinic in Casablanca. He was admitted the week before for respiratory problems, following a short stay...
View Articleالحائِرُ بِحَياتِهِ
اليوم تذكّرتُ الحياةَ. تذكّرتُ أني حين ركضتُ خلفَ الحياة تركتُ الحياة خلفي. شعرتُ بِرُهاب كبير. أخفيه ولكنه يتسرّبُ من جوارحي. رأيتُ أحدهم يضحكُ فعجبت. رأيته يشعر بالبهجة فغبطته. لم أغبطه. كأنه عندي...
View ArticleRegarding the Torture of Others in "Zero Dark Thirty"
Much of the hype and controversy surrounding Zero Dark Thirty centers on the issue of torture. The acting director of the CIA as well as three US senators have criticized the film for exaggerating the...
View ArticleRomancing the Throne: The New York Times and The Endorsement of...
On 23 January 2013, elections were held for the seventeenth parliament of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. During the past several months, the monarchy and its allies hailed the 2013 parliamentary...
View Articleهل يعود العسكر لحكم مصر من بوابة قناة السويس؟
تقدير موقفظهرت منذ شهرين بعض الشواهد المريبة - أكثر ريبة من نظيراتها - في مهاجمة مقرات الحرية والعدالة في مدن القناة تحديداً، وبدا أن الأمور تسير في إتجاه تبرير نزول العسكر إلى شوارع مدن القناة بدعاوي...
View Articleموسم السياحة 2013: فلسطين المحتلة، زوروها وافرحوا بها
ليس هناك ألطف من أن تكون جماعة ما مُستَعمِرة حضاريّة ومنفتحة. فحينما تتوافر شروط الحداثة بما تشمله من علائم الديموقراطية، والمدنية، والعولمة، والابتعاد السياسي والاجتماعي عن الدين والانفتاح على كافة...
View ArticlePermission to Caption
Ever since the start of the first Intifada in 1987, the West Bank and Gaza have become the center not only of Palestinian politics but also of international coverage of the Palestinians. On the ground,...
View ArticleWith Our Ideas, We Take Our Portrait: Reflections on the Work of Alessandra...
In this collection of essays, three young Palestinian photographers and refugees respond to the work of Alessandra Sanguinetti, an Argentinian-American photographer who visited Palestine twice during...
View ArticleLast Week on Jadaliyya (Jan 28- Feb 3)
This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last...
View ArticleIraq’s Hackerspace
[The following article was originally published on Tadween Publishing's blog. For more information on the publishing world as it relates to pedagogy and knowledge production, follow Tadween Publishing...
View ArticleEgypt Media Roundup (February 4)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View Article"May in the Summer": 2013 Sundance Review
Written and directed by Cherien Dabis, May in the Summer -- which opened the 2013 U.S. Dramatic Competition of the Sundance Film Festival -- is a disarmingly humorous, sharply observed and deeply...
View ArticleSyria Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (January 2013)
[This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on Syria. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they provide...
View Articleشاهد عيان
فيما يلي شهادتي باعتباري شاهد عيان لاعتداء ضباط قوات الأمن على متظاهر تم تجريده من ملابسه بالكامل مساء الجمعة، بالقرب من القصر الجمهوري. وأعلم أن الكثيرين منكم قد شاهدوا الشريط المصور، الذي التقط...
View ArticleArabian Peninsula Media Roundup (February 05)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors...
View ArticleFun, Football, and Palestinian Nationalism
Some of the most enduring memories of fieldwork in al-Wihdat refugee camp are the several evenings I spent watching football matches in the company of my friends. Al-Wihdat is a Palestinian refugee...
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