September Culture Bouquet
Almost a decade ago, Saadi Youssef began his poem "Imru' al-Qays' Grandson" by asking: "Is it your fault that once you were born in that country? / Three quarters of a century / and you still pay from...
View ArticleSyria Media Roundup (September 2)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View Articleتأملات في الجمالية والخطاب والتفاحة
يعزو البعض تأثير البروباغندا باعتبارها تمظهرًا خطابيًا لمفهوم "الجمالية" إلى تخوم القرنين الثامن والتاسع عشر، تلك المرحلة المركبة، إذ كانت الثورة الفرنسية (1789 – 1794) هي التي شكلت ملامحها الرئيسية...
View ArticleMon, 11 Aug 2014 04:00:00 GMT
From Beirut, the picture looks grim. Syria, Palestine, Iraq—all angry reds and blistering oranges. Here, we have the sea . . . the sea. Blues to drown ourselves in, greens and yellows to traffic us to...
View Articleملف من الأرشيف: محمد جمال الدين الأفغاني
["ملف من الأرشيف" هي سلسة تقوم "جدلية" بنشرها بالعربية والإنجليزية بالتعاون مع جريدة ”السفير“ اللبنانية. الملفات لشخصيات أيقونية تركت أثراً عميقاً في الحقل السياسي والثقافي في العالم العربي.] الإسم:...
View ArticleEgypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (August 2014)
[This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on Egypt. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they provide...
View ArticleO.I.L. Monthly Edition (August 2014)
[This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on the Occupations, Interventions, and Law (O.I.L.) Page. It also includes material published on other platforms that...
View Articleلقطة قريبة لعين الغزال
كثيراً ما تنبثق في أذهاننا فكرة عارضة نراها، لوقت قصير، أكثر أفكارنا قوّة، وأشدها تعبيراً عن سلوك بني آدم، لكنها سريعاً ما تغيب مثلما ولدت فننساها وننسى شغفنا بها، غير أن الفكرة التي انبثقت في ذهن أحمد...
View ArticlePhotography Media Roundup (September 4)
[This is a monthly roundup of articles on photography in the Middle East and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Photography Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View Articleحوار مع القيادية اليسارية المغربية نعيمة الكلاف
جدلية: مرحبا بك أستاذة نعيمة. شكراً على قبولك دعوتنا لهذا الحوار. هل يمكن أن تقدمي نفسك لقرائنا بشكل موجز؟نعيمة: مرحبا شكراً على الاستضافة. اسمي نعيمة الكلاف. أنا محامية وفاعلة حقوقية و عضوة المكتب...
View ArticleOnline and Offline Maneuverings in Syria's Counter-Revolution
“The revolutionary advance [is] made headway not by its immediate tragi-comic achievements, but on the contrary by the creation of a powerful, united counter-revolution, by the creation of an opponent,...
View ArticlePalestinianness on Facebook: Portrayals, Profiles, and Encoding the Self
I would like to think that we are not just the people seen or looked at in photographs: we are also looking at our observers….we too are scrutinizing, assessing, judging. We are more than someone’s...
View ArticleThe Meme-ing of Revolution: Creativity, Folklore, and the Dislocation of...
It was 20 January 2011, just five days before a major protest called for by many youth and opposition groups in Egypt, that Ali came across a hilarious image on Facebook. One of his friends had shared...
View ArticleNew Media, New Politics? Theoretical Interventions and International Invocations
As part of the Jadaliyya Roundtable on New Media and New Politics, we offer three audio presentations from the April 2013 Westminster conference that address matters of mediation from theoretical and...
View ArticleSpecial Address: Digital Media and the Freedom Struggle
[Jillian York giving the Special Address at the Westminster Conference]The Special Address tackled the most salient conditions in the region that precipitated the revolutions and the role the new...
View ArticleKeynote Address: Some Reflections on the Role of Media in Egypt’s January...
[Walter Armbrust delivering the Keynote Address at the Westminster Conference]This lecture delves into the situational and historic dynamics that undergirded the media practices surrounding the...
View ArticleEducation on the Eve of Revolution in Bahrain: Comparing and Contrasting New...
This reflection arises out of my experience working in education reform in Bahrain during the politically fraught years between 2007 and 2011, and is informed by the concept of “reflective practice”...
View ArticleThe BBC and User-Generated Content: How Syrian Grassroots Information Shaped...
It’s probably the first big story I can remember where UGC has become a real factor in reporting, I think before that the UGC Hub was a department which was a bit unclear how you would best use...
View ArticleActivism on the Move: Mediating Protest Space in Egypt with Mobile Technology
The 2011 revolutionary uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa abruptly captured global attention as the world was drawn breathlessly into the tumult with a profusion of media content, from...
View ArticleThe Built-In Obsolescence of the Facebook Leader
In times like these, when the hopes of the 2011 Egyptian revolution seem to have faded away, it is imperative to understand what went wrong, and in particular what went wrong in the new forms of...
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