The Process in Turkey
In early 2013, a critical process is unfolding regarding the solution to the Kurdish question in Turkey. The success of this process—that is, the protection of Kurdish people's collective rights...
View ArticleWhy There Is No Military Solution to the Syrian Conflict
Today, as violence intensifies in Syria, external powers, including the United States, are openly debating direct intervention. Such intervention is justified as serving multiple goals at once: it is a...
View ArticleAmidst a Violent Conflict, Syria’s Students Struggle for an Education
[The following article was originally published on Tadween Publishing's blog. For more information on the publishing world as it relates to pedagogy and knowledge production, follow Tadween Publishing...
View ArticleThe Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South
Vijay Prashad. The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South. Forward by Boutros Boutros-Ghali. London and New York: Verso, 2012. Correct ideas are never sufficient; they are not believed...
View ArticleThe Least of All Possible Evils: Humanitarian Violence from Arendt to Gaza
Eyal Weizman,The Least of All Possible Evils: Humanitarian Violence from Arendt to Gaza. New York: Verso, 2011.[This review was originally published in the most recent issue ofArab Studies Journal. For...
View ArticleDARS Media Roundup (May 14)
[This is a bi-weekly roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Resistance and Subversion in the Arab world and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of...
View ArticleArabian Peninsula Media Roundup (May 14)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors...
View ArticleThe Arab Studies Journal's Twentieth Anniversary Issue
[Jadaliyya will be posting excerpts from the Arab Studies Journal's Twentieth Anniversary issue. What follows is the Editor's Note and Table of Contents from that issue.]Editor’s Note We can scarcely...
View ArticleThe Brothers, the Revolution, and the Right to Protest
A new political order always arrives with a package of legislation establishing its political and socioeconomic orientations as law. In its broad sense, a revolution effects a “fundamental change” in...
View ArticleEgypt Media Roundup (May 13)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View ArticleNew Texts Out Now: Joel Beinin, Mixing, Separation, and Violence in Urban...
Joel Beinin, “Mixing, Separation, and Violence in Urban Spaces and the Rural Frontier in Palestine.” Arab Studies Journal Vol. XXI No. 1 (Spring 2013).Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this...
View Articleالنكبة الفلسطينيّة ليست غزوة أحد
لم تثمر دعوات الإخوان المسلمون ورسائلهم إلى رؤساء الحكومة المصريّة المتعاقبين والتي دعت إلى مخاطبة «الحليفة بريطانيا» ومطالبتها بضمان استقلال وكرامة فلسطين؛ البلد العربيّ المسلم، كما ولم تسفر العلاقة...
View Articleاستمرارية بعد تمزق: الحضور الغائب لدير ياسين
استمرارية بعد تمزق: الحضور الغائب لدير ياسين في فيلم”لميُصنع“ (Unmade Film) ”لمتكنالأسلحةالصهيونيةالموجهةإلينامجردعائقمادي. لقدكانتتذكيراًقاتلاًبأنمدينتنالمتعدسوىذكرى؛حلمبأنناالآنقدعدناإلىنقطةالصفر....
View Articleالفردوس الذي اجتاحه الأشرار وتنازل عنه السماسرة
[”الفردوس الذي اجتاحه الأشرار وتنازل عنه السماسرة“، هو أحد العناوين التسعة التي توزعت في كتاب “أنيس صايغ عن أنيس صايغ” للكاتب أنيس صايغ – عن دار رياض الريّس (بيروت، 2006). تقدم "جدلية" هنا مقطفات من...
View Articleحول استبعاد النكبة الفلسطينية من دراسات الصدمة
حولاستبعادالنكبةالفلسطينيةمن“دراسات الصدمة“ (Trauma)في البداية سأقدم لكم سرداً للاجئة من سوريا (تم تسجيله 6 آذار/مارس 2013، في مخيم عين الحلوة في لبنان):كان عمري ست سنوات ونصف عندما غادرنا [فلسطين]....
View Articleالنكبة، هنا، الآن
النكبة، هنا، الآنفي الذكرى الخامسة والستين للنكبة، ارتأينا أن نعيد قراءة معاني وتردّدات تلك الأشهر المعدودة بين شتاء 1947 وصيف 1948، التي شكّلت الحاضر الفلسطيني؛ بتقسيماته السياسية والجغرافية...
View ArticleNakba 2013: The Palestinian Youth Movement Commemorates 65 Years of Al Nakba...
The fifteenth of May 2013 marks the sixty-fifth commemoration of the day the oppressive Zionist state came into being. It also marks sixty-five years from the beginning of our collective fragmentation...
View ArticleThe Ongoing Nakba: The Forcible Displacement of the Palestinian People
Israeli practices and policies are a combination of apartheid, military occupation, and colonization. Together, they aim to ethnically cleanse the territory of historic Palestine from its indigenous...
View ArticleSyria Media Roundup (May 16)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
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