Egypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (December 2012)
This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on Egypt. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they provide...
View ArticleTop 50 Most Read: Jadaliyya 2012
Let's Talk About SexHow Not to Study Gender in the Middle EastSexual Harassment Video that Led to Removal of Rula Quawas as Dean at the University of JordanEgyptian Elections: Preliminary Results...
View ArticleSyria Media Roundup (January 3)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View ArticleJadaliyya's Maghreb Page Echoes in France
Paris-based weekly newspaper, Courrier International, has translated and featured a couple pieces from Jadaliyya's Maghreb Page. They include an interview with Moroccan-born artist, Lalla Essaydi,...
View ArticleMaghreb Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (December 2012)
[This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on the Maghreb. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they...
View ArticleMaghreb Media Roundup (January 4)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya....
View ArticleTranslation of Statements Made by Minister of Electricity Gebran Bassile and...
There are over 170,000 Syrian refugees in Lebanon. These men, women and children have come to Lebanon fleeing the ongoing and deteriorating violence in Syria. In addition, thousands of Palestinians...
View ArticleNEWTON Author Nergis Ertürk Receives MLA First Book Prize
We are very happy to report that Nergis Ertürk, whose book Grammatology and Literary Modernity in Turkey was featured in New Texts Out Now (NEWTON) in 2012, is the recipient of the Nineteenth Annual...
View Articleالهراء اللبناني مجدّداً
كتابات نايلة تويني لا تمت للسياسة بصلة. هي أشبه بالهراء والأكاذيب التخويفية التي سمعناها منذ صغرنا، لاسيما في المجتمعات المسيحية المغلقة عن الفلسطينيين. مثل،اًن تقول إحدى الأساطير اللبنانية إن...
View Articleعلى من يستند حُكم الإخوان؟
حظى الرئيس محمد مرسي بتأييد ١٣ مليون و٢٠٠ ألف مصري في جولة الانتخابات الرئاسية الثانية، بعد أن كان قد حصل على أصوات ٥ ملايين و٧٦٤ ألفاً، كان هو خيارهم الأول في الجولة الأولى. يميل البعض لتفسير توسع...
View ArticleJadaliyya Monthly Edition (December 2012)
This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya during the month of October 2012. It also includes the most recent videos and the most read articles. Progressively, we will be featuring...
View ArticleO.I.L. Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (December 2012)
[This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on the Occupations, Interventions,and Law (O.I.L.) Page. It also includes material published on other platforms that...
View ArticleO.I.L. Media Roundup (6 January)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Occupation, Intervention, and Law and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the O.I.L. Page...
View ArticleLast week on Jadaliyya (Dec 31- Jan 6)
This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on...
View ArticleEgypt Media Roundup (January 7)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View ArticleTamerlane in Damascus
In December of 1400, Timur left the rubble of Aleppo and Hama behind, making his way to the outskirts of the first city of Syria: Damascus. By this time, an Egyptian army under the command of the...
View Articleالتقاليد والآلة المناهضة للسياسة: "جرائم الشرف"تغوي فرقة الدام
إننا نكتب هذه المقالة كمشجّعات (خائبات الأمل) لفرقة الهيب هوب الفلسطينية الدام في وقت يذكرنا فيه الهجوم العنيف على غزة بالواقع القاسي للحياة والموت الذي يعيشه الفلسطينيون كل يوم، نساء ورجالاً. وهبت...
View Articleرد فرقة الدام على مقال التقاليد والآلة المناهضة للسياسة
!" رد فرقة الـ"دام" على مقال: "التقاليد والآلة المناهضة للسياسة: "جرائم الشرف" تغوي فرقة الداملقد كنا سعداء أن نجد على صفحات "جدلية" أصدقاء وأناس داعمين ومدركين لعملنا ويحترمون ما نقوم به منذ سنوات...
View ArticleArabian Peninsula Media Roundup (January 8)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors...
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