A Portrait of Tunisian Artist Nicene Kossentini
Nicene Kossentini is a visual artist from Sfax, Tunisia. She studied art in France and established the first experimental film program at the Higher Institute of Multimedia Arts upon her return to...
View ArticleSyria News Update (8 September 2013)
[This is a collection of news updates on Syria compiled from multiple sources by the editors.]Developments AIPAC Goes All-Out on Syria Manu Raju says “the powerful pro-Israel lobby AIPAC is planning to...
View ArticleOù est l’intérêt national et qui le sert ?
La Tunisie vit en ce moment un moment d’intense hyperbolisation du sentiment patriotique. Cette glorification du drapeau trouve ses origines dans de multiples facteurs. Alors que dans les premières...
View ArticleEgypt Media Roundup (September 9)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View ArticleEgypt’s History Problem
The Egyptian film director Tawfiq Saleh passed away on 18 August. Despite Saleh’s stature in the pantheon of Egyptian cinema, his passing seemed to generate precious little comment in the national...
View ArticleO.I.L. Media Roundup (10 September)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Occupation, Intervention, and Law and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the O.I.L. Page...
View ArticleAnalysis: Obama’s Promises for Education Reform
[The following article was originally published on Tadween Publishing's blog. For more information on the publishing world as it relates to pedagogy and knowledge production, follow Tadween Publishing...
View ArticleArabian Peninsula Media Roundup (September 10)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors...
View ArticleSyria News Update (9 September 2013)
[This is a collection of news updates on Syria compiled from multiple sources by the editors.] DevelopmentsSyrian FM: We are ready to sign Chemical Weapons ConventionJohn Kerry Gives Syria Week to Hand...
View ArticleNew Texts Out Now: Nathan Schneider, Thank You, Anarchy: Notes from the...
Nathan Schneider, Thank You, Anarchy: Notes from the Occupy Apocalypse. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book?Nathan Schneider (NS): I couldn't...
View Articleغزّة بعيون جديدة: قراءة في الصلة بين الاقتصاد والسياسة
يُمكن للمرء أن يُتابع أحوال السياسة في بلد ما من خلال الاطلاع على نتاج الانشغال السياسي لنخبته من الساسة والأكاديميّين والصحافيين. ويبدو هذا الأمر مُحاطاً بمحاذير، قد يكون أهمّها تكوين المرء لتصوّرات...
View ArticleUniversities Missing in Action in a New Egyptian Literary Wave
By Daria SolovievaOne Friday night in the spring at El Sawy Culturewheel center in the Zamalek neighborhood of Cairo, a small crowd gathered around Amira Hassan El Desoki, jostling for her...
View ArticleHidden Histories at the French Archives
Conventional wisdom tells us that if we wish to understand the condition of the oppressed, it is best not to ask their oppressor, but historians of the Middle East have no such luxury. The archives of...
View ArticleDoes an Anti-War Stance Suffice in Syria?
There is no need to beat around the bush and no need to preach to the choir about this subject, about which so much has already been written. The thesis of “humanitarian intervention,” also known as...
View ArticleDARS Media Roundup (September 18)
[This is a bi-weekly roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Resistance and Subversion in the Arab world and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of...
View Articleتحت الاحتلال: بدلاً من التحرك في إطار النظام، قاومه
شهد هذا الصيف تحرك الكثير من النشطاء الفاعلين ضمن حركة شبابية تتمركز في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة عام 1948، وكان عملهم يرتكز على مناهضة مخطط برافر الذي يستهدف اقتلاع الفلسطينيين البدو. تبدو الإحصائيات...
View ArticleMaghreb Media Roundup (September 20)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya....
View Articleالحق في قتل الجسد: الزومبي جسد/نص ما بعد كولونيالي
الجسدُ البَشري يُشحنُ بدلالاتٍ متغيرةٍ وغَير مستقرةٍ، على مَدى تاريخِه في جَانِبيه المُطلق/ المَعنوي والنِسبي/ المَادي؛ كَما في دلالةِ زمنيةِ أَكل التُفاحةِ من شجرةِ المَعرفة. وبالتَالي فَالنتيجةُ منذُ...
View Articleسيادة الكلام: في فعالية النقد
[ضمن ”سلسلة كتب“ التي تعنى بالإصدارات الجديدة. تنشر ”جدلية“مقاطع من إصدار جديد للكاتب السعودي أحمد الواصل، الذي خص مجلة ”جدلية“ بالأجزاء التالية منه. يشتغل الكتاب على قراءة نقدية لأعمال نقدية عربية في...
View ArticleMalaise Over Syria
During the lead up to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, we took a clear position against [imperialist] war and against dictatorships: la li-al-harb, la li-al-dictatoriyat. Today, no such simple slogan...
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