Emel Mathlouthi at Cairo's Qasr El Nil Theatre
Emel Mathlouthi - Poor Tunisia25 April 2013The 2nd Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival, D-CAFQasr El Nil Theatre, Cairo Emel Mathlouthi is a Tunisian songwriter, composer, guitarist, and singer who...
View ArticleWatch, See, Feel: Kasim Abid’s Whispers of the Cities
Whispers of the Cities, directed by Kasim Abid. Iraq/UAE, 2013.Iraqi filmmaker Kasim Abid’s documentary Whispers of the Cities, which premiered at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival in October, is the result...
View ArticleWhere the Tigris Flows: Water Security in Post-War Iraq and Turkey
Media coverage of Iraq in recent years has been dominated by the horrifying images of the American occupation, its impacts, and its aftermath. Sometimes lost among the political turmoil are the stories...
View ArticleEgypt Media Roundup (December 16)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View ArticleEgypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (November 2013)
[This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on Egypt. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they provide...
View ArticleLast Week on Jadaliyya (December 9-15)
This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last...
View ArticleSyria Media Roundup (December 17)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View Articleالانتصار على برافر الحل رومانسي
الانتصار على برافر... "الحل رومانسي"(1)فرحانين... فرحانين... فرحانين.. كل ثورة وإحنا دايما فرحانين...****ليس الانتصار على مخطط "برافر" الصهيوني، بإعلان الحكومة الإسرائيلية وقف مناقشة القانون في...
View Articleالصراع على المكان المديني: حوار مع ديفد هارفي
لماذا تهم الصراعات المدينية في مشاريع التغيّر الاجتماعي؟ ما أهمية استعادة المكان العام في الحركات الاجتماعية؟ كيف نعيد التفكير بما هو ممكن في هذه اللحظة العالمية المظلمة من التفاوتات المدينية الحادّة...
View Articleبرافر لم يمر حتى إشعار آخر
عمت الفرحة الخميس الماضي، 12 من ديسمبر 2013، صفوف الفلسطينيين عقب إعلان الحكومة الإسرائيلية تراجعها عن عرض مشروع قانون ”برافر- بيغن“ للتصويت عليه لقراءة ثانية في البرلمان الإسرائيلي. وكان مشروع القرار...
View ArticleTurkey Media Roundup (December 17)
EnglishAKP-Gulen Community WarTwo Axes Clash in Turkish Politics Murat Yetkin comments on the jeopardization of the peace process after the killing of two civilians in Yüksekova, and the escalating...
View ArticleArabian Peninsula Media Roundup (December 17)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors...
View ArticleRemembering Ali Shaath
In 1994, Ali Shaath and three of his colleagues, Sa’id al-Qidra, Mustafa Harara, and Majd al-Khalidi drove from Cairo to Palestine. It would be Ali’s first visit to the land that shaped him from a...
View ArticleBrain Damage: An Exhibition by Kalb Balady
Brain DamageAn Exhibition by Kalb Balady16 Novemeber - 15 DecemberDarb 1718, Cairo Brain Damage is the first public exhibition by the Kalb Balady (Stray Dog) collective. Through the exhibition, eight...
View ArticleBrushing History against the Grain
Abdel Razzaq Takriti, Monsoon Revolution: Republicans, Sultans, and Empires in Oman, 1965-1976. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.We are left alone with our day, and the time is short,...
View Articleسلام على علي شعث
في عام 1994، ساق علي شعث ومعه ثلاثة من أصدقائه، سعيد القدرة ومصطفى حرارة ومجد الخالدي من القاهرة إلى فلسطين. كانت تلك زيارة علي الأولى إلى الأرض التي شكلته من بعيد. كانت لحظة أمل وامكانية، وتلك هي...
View ArticleLice’den Gever’e Gezi ve Kurtler
Lice’den Gever’e Gezi ve KürtlerÖnce Gezi Gezi bir karşı çıkış olduğu kadar bir kendiyle yüzleşme ve oluş hâliydi. 31 Mayıs akşamı bir araya gelen insanlar bir taraftan eski düşmanlıklarından,...
View Articleدور منظمات المجتمع المدني في الأراضي الفلسطينية
سراب التنمية الفلسطينية... تقويض مؤسساتي وتكريس لواقع الإحتلاللعبت منظمات المجتمع المدني غير الحكومية قبل قدوم السلطة الفلسطينية عام 1994 دوراً أساسياً في تعزيز صمود المجتمع الفلسطيني في ظل غياب الدولة...
View ArticleNew Texts Out Now: Sunaina Maira, Jil Oslo: Palestinian Hip Hop, Youth...
Sunaina Maira, Jil Oslo: Palestinian Hip Hop, Youth Culture, and the Youth Movement. Washington, DC: Tadween Publishing, 2013.Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book?Sunaina Maira (SM): I wrote...
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