DARS Media Roundup
[This is a bi-weekly roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Resistance and Subversion in the Arab world, and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of...
View ArticleReconciling Return and Rights: Palestinian Refugees and the Emergence of a...
Analyses and debates on the reconfiguration of rights, democracy, social justice, and dignity in the Arab region suffer from a chronic methodological nationalism—which perpetuates the idea that people...
View ArticleBeyond the State: The Refugee Camp as a Site of Political Invention
Refugee camps have been at the center of radical historical transformations that have undermined the political existence of entire communities. Although states and non-governmental organizations have...
View ArticleThe Urban Subalterns and the Non-Movements of the Arab Uprisings: An...
This interview was conducted with Asef Bayat via electronic correspondence. In it, Bayat discusses the inside-out character of neoliberal cities in the Arab world and its influence on the recent wave...
View ArticleThe Infrastructure of Israeli Settler Colonialism (Part 1): The Jordan Valley
Since its establishment, Israel has distinguished the persons under its civil and military jurisdiction based on religion. Throughout Israel Proper and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT),...
View ArticleJadaliyya Launches DARS Page: Daily Acts of Resistance and Subversion
OverviewThe DARS Page chronicles daily acts of resistance and subversion (DARS) in contemporary Arab societies and beyond. All forms of resistance and subversion to political, economic, social, or...
View ArticleArabian Peninsula Media Roundup (March 27)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors...
View ArticleThe Author’s New Writing Instructor: The Internet
Writers and prospective book authors are influenced by a variety of actors and subject matters. Their writing is shaped by other authors that they admire and by their teachers, from their English...
View ArticleSocial Struggles in Tunisia: A Curse or a Revolutionary Opportunity?
The Tunisian revolution was often painted as a sort of “divine” event during which the united and homogenous “Tunisian people” succeeded in getting rid of their “dictator.” As if by the force of some...
View ArticleNew Texts Out Now: Rashid Khalidi, Brokers of Deceit: How the US Has...
Rashid Khalidi, Brokers of Deceit: How the US Has Undermined Peace in the Middle East. Boston: Beacon Press, 2013.Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book?Rashid Khalidi(RK): I had long wanted to...
View Articleأصداء الربيع العربي فــي المملكة السعودية
مساء الأول من آذار/مارس، انتشر خبر عن قيام الشرطة السعودية باعتقال 176 شخصاً، بينهم 15 امرأة وعدد من الأطفال ممن اعتصموا أمام مقر هيئة التحقيق والادعاء العام في مدينة بريدة وسط المملكة السعودية،...
View Articleالأطر النظرية لفهم النماذج التنموية في مراحل ما بعد الثورات
عندما سأل أحد الأِشخاص "ماو تسي تونج" يومًا عن رأيه في الثورة الفرنسية، فكان رده "إن من المبكر الحكم عليها". ويذكرنا هذا بأن الحكم على حَدَثٍ في التاريخ بأنه كان ثورة من عدمه ليس جدلا أكاديميًّا أو...
View ArticleThe Mirage of Foreign Investment
Almost all political forces are waiting for it: the Muslim Brotherhood, ElBaradie, Amr Moussa. All economic plans seek it and are built on it.In fact, politics itself is tailored for the sake of...
View ArticleThe Roundup: Publishing News from the Arab World
[The following is a roundup of the latest news and analysis from the publishing world that relates to pedagogy and knowledge production. It was originally published on Tadween Publishing's blog. For...
View ArticleLes manifestations à Ouargla : le besoin d’une stratégie de développement...
[Un appel du Comité national pour la défense des droits des chômeurs (CNDDC) a rassemblé des milliers (plus de dix mille personnes, selon certains) de personnes sur la place de la mairie dans le...
View ArticleProfessor Samera Esmer in Coversation with Adala's, Suhad Bishara, Marking...
March 39th marks Land Day in Palestine. On the latest edition of Voices of the Middle East and North Africa, Professor Samera Esmir speaks with Suhad Bishara,Director of the Land and Planning Rights...
View ArticleSyria Media Roundup (March 28)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View ArticleSamera Esmeir in Coversation with Adalah's Suhad Bishara, Marking Land Day in...
30 March marks Land Day in Palestine. On the latest edition of Voices of the Middle East and North Africa, Professor Samera Esmeir speaks with Suhad Bishara,Director of the Land and Planning Rights...
View ArticleSpring of Fury in Egypt
In recent days President Mohamed Morsi and his government have drastically eroded what little hope observers had for Egypt's troubled political transition. The president's aggressive tone in public...
View ArticlePlease Help Keep Egypt Independent
Dear friends,After working hard for four years on developing Egypt Independent as a leading local independent English-language publication, we were notified by Al-Masry Al-Youm's management last month...
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