حديثي مع الشيطان - الجزء الثاني
٣٠يونيوومابعدها (الحلقةالثانية)فصّلالمقال السابق في أزمة النظام الجديد/القديمالذي يرأسه الإخوان، وقدم تحليلاً في عدة إتجاهات مفاده أن النظام الحالي هو عبارة عن تحالف سلطوي هش ومتوتر يواجه مشكلات،...
View ArticleSyria Media Roundup (June 27)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View ArticleUrban Utopias and How They Fell Apart
Taksim: A Political EcologyThe uprising that started with Taksim Square’s Gezi Park in Istanbul on 28 May emerged as a unique movement of resistance in Turkey’s history and has continued without...
View ArticleMaghreb Media Roundup (June 28)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya....
View Articleقالوا عليّ ملحد
[تختار جدليّة في فقرة ”نغم“ عملاً فنياً مميّزاً للتعريف به وبالمبدعين الذين يقفون وراءه]”قالوا عليّ ملحد“ أغنية راب لفريق Egy Lions Familyمن كلمات الأغنية”وأنتو قولتو إن أنتو لينا إخوان، فلما أمنت...
View ArticleUnpacking Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Discourse
Noam Chomsky’s Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda argues that effectively crafted and controlled media messages can turn otherwise rational people into “hysterical” warmongers....
View ArticleShould Egyptians Believe Morsi?
On 26 June, President Morsi gave a long-winded two and half hour speech that could be described as a “state of the nation” speech. It was labeled as an “accounting” of his accomplishments in the first...
View ArticleNostalgia, Hope, and Fear on the Path to 30 June
[This is the first in a series of dispatches that Mona Atia will be sending from Egypt to present some views from the ground about the lead up to 30 June protests and their aftermath. As part of her...
View ArticleBack to the Margins
Like many, I came home yesterday after hours of being stuck in traffic congestion, thanks to the long lines of cars queued at gas stations due to an acute fuel shortage. But instead of throwing myself...
View ArticleWhite Turks, Black Turks, and Negroes: The Politics of Polarization
On 11 June, in the midst of the return of the Istanbul police forces to Gezi Park and Taksim Square, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan rose in the Turkish parliament and expressed his frustrations...
View ArticleSyria’s Third Grueling Summer: What Should One Write About?
For the past several weeks in Beirut, I have been inundated with emails and comments from colleagues and observers about developments in Syria. The same goes for Jadaliyya’s coverage. Why, the question...
View Article!بحثّاً عن حلف تاريخي جديد
ما هو الخطر الأكبر على الثورة؟ يخطئ من يظن أنه السلطة، أو حتى الثورة المضادة أيًا ما كانت درجة شراستها. الخطر الأكبر على الثورة هو قيادة غير ثورية تلجم، تنحرف يمينًا، وتخون. أناقش في هذا المقال مسألة...
View ArticleBetween Inaction and Complicity: The Shi‘a and the Brotherhood
Some have commented on the incident of sectarian violence in the village of Zawiyat Abu Musallam in the Giza district on 23 June 2013 as the product of a "simple" people and a "crowd" mentality. The...
View Articleتوني موريسون: وطن
[مقطع من رواية “وطن” لتوني موريسون (نيويورك، كنوبف، ٢٠١٢) التي ستصدر بالعربية بترجمة سنان أنطون قريباً.]التنفس. كيف يقوم به بحيث لا يعرف أحد بأنه مستيقظ. يفبرك شخيراً عميقاً منتظماً ويترك الشفة السفلى...
View ArticleWhen Civic Action Confronts Militia Politics in Beirut [To be updated]
[The following is the combination of an eye-witness account by Jadaliyya affiliate and interviews s/he conducted with affected persons of the thuggish and violent behavior of a Lebanese MP convoy, the...
View ArticleWhat Happens on 30 June? The Silver Lining
Numerous questions surround 30 June protests, most of which revolve around whether or not President Mohamed Morsi will be pushed out. The subtleties surrounding such questions are more important to...
View Articleالديمقراطية التشاركية والثورات العربية
عندما طالبت الشعوب العربية باسقاط النظام هنا وهناك، لم يكن لديها تصوّر مُفصّل حول طبيعة نظام ما بعد الثورة تتعدّى كونة نظاماً ديمقراطياً يتميّز بالشفافية واحترام حقوق المواطن وانعدام الفساد والمسؤليّة...
View ArticleIntimidation and Resistance: Imagining Gender in Cairene Graffiti
The issue of women’s empowerment continues to be of paramount significance in determining the future of the incomplete Arab revolutions. Numerous scholars, activists, and feminists have commented with...
View ArticleEgypt’s Ultras: No More Politics
Swinging between politics and football, the Egyptian “Ultras” football fans have spent the two years since the beginning of the 25 January Revolution trying to discover, redefine, and highlight their...
View ArticleJune to June: The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same
A year is a long time in politics, especially those of contemporary Egypt. In June 2012 the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) appeared to be firmly in the saddle. Acting in league with...
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