DARS Media Roundup (July 10)
[This is a bi-weekly roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Resistance and Subversion in the Arab world and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of...
View ArticleNew Texts Out Now: Lori Allen, The Rise and Fall of Human Rights: Cynicism...
Lori Allen, The Rise and Fall of Human Rights: Cynicism and Politics in Occupied Palestine. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2013.Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book? How does it connect...
View ArticleTadween Roundup: News and Analysis in Publishing and Academia from the Arab...
[The following is a roundup of the latest news and analysis from the publishing world that relates to pedagogy and knowledge production. It was originally published on Tadween Publishing's blog. For...
View Articleحول ارتباك المشهد: طرح دولة ما بعد الاستقلال كأفق وحيد
نتحدث جميعاً كمحللين عن الحشود. نربطها مرةً بالثورة ومرة ثانية بالهستيريا، ذات النزعة الفاشية، المؤججة بفعل الإعلام، للانتقام من حكم الإخوان الفاشل والإقصائي، مثل حشود جابرييل تارد الحانقة. ونهملها...
View ArticleProsecution Orders Arrest of Leading Brotherhood Members
Arrest warrants are issued for Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohamed Badei and other Islamist figures on charges of inciting deadly violence at Republican Guard protests.Egypt's general prosecution issues...
View ArticleHRW Criticizes New Immigration Policy
Human Rights Watch (HRW) criticized today Egypt’s change in immigration policy regarding Syrian refugees entering the country.On 8 July and without prior warning the Egyptian government introduced a...
View ArticleRights Groups Condemn Excessive Force Against Morsi Supporters
Human rights organizations have condemned the use of excessive force by the military and security forces against supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi.Fifty-one men died as a result of gunshot...
View ArticleHas the Ouster of President Morsi Preserved the Path to Democracy or Ended...
On June 30th, over 14 million Egyptians took to the street demanding that President Morsi step down and on July 3rd, the Egyptian military forced him out and suspended the constitution. Morsi...
View ArticleBrand Turkey and the Gezi Protests: Authoritarianism, Law, and Neoliberalism...
Neoliberalism, Illegality, and State of Exception in TurkeyThe Gezi Park protests, and the state response to them, have crystallized larger dynamics in Turkey. These include recent legal changes and...
View ArticleIs The Egyptian Revolution Aborted? Interview With Hossam El-Hamalawy
[I conducted this interview with Hossam El-Hamalawy despite a bad internet connection! Please find both the video and the edited English transcription below.]Hossam El-Hamalawy starts by rejecting the...
View Articleمبعوث العناية الأممية في مهمة بلا مضمون: مهارة البيروقراطي الأممي وفشله السياسي
لا يتوقف جمال بنعمر، مبعوث الأمم المتحدة إلى اليمن، عن الترويج لليمن كحالة نموذجية ضمن دول الثورات العربية رغم إنه يخالف واقع الحال كلياً. فلا يختلف تقريره في منتصف شهر حزيران / يونيو عن تقاريره...
View ArticleRising Up Against Sexual Violence: An Interview with Yasmin El-Rifae of...
According to HarassMap, since 30 June, there have been 173 cases of mob sexual assaults reported at protests in Tahrir Square and in front of the Presidential Palace. The esclation of sexual assaults...
View ArticleMaghreb Media Roundup (July 12)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya....
View ArticleIn the Interim: The Constitutional Declaration Retains Some Contentious...
For at least four months, Egypt’s legal framework will be the Constitutional Declaration issued by Interim President Adly Mansour on 8 July.The thirty-three-article declaration has been designed to...
View ArticleThousands Break Fast in Tahrir Square to Celebrate Morsi Ouster
Ramadan breakfast in Tahrir Square celebrates 'third wave of revolution,' upholds demand for President Morsi's removal.Several thousands gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Friday for a communal...
View ArticleProtesters Head to Egypt Defense Ministry to Demand Morsi's Reinstatement
Pro-Morsi demonstrators in Cairo set out for defense ministry headquarters Friday night to demand reinstatement of Egypt's ousted president.Speakers at Nasr City's Rabaa Al-Adawiya Mosque, where a...
View Articleثورة؟ انقلاب؟... الأكيد: كسّرنا الصندوقراطية
صاحب محل عصير القصب، الذي تعرفت عليه في الفقرة الأخيرة من مقالي «عصير الصندوقراطية»، لم يتظاهر يوم 30 يونيو، ورغم أن رده على الشاب الإخواني الذي طالبه بـ«التنظم وخوض الانتخابات» كان «ثانية واحدة هاروح...
View ArticleEgypt's Media Blunders
The unfolding political tumult in Egypt over the past ten days has not only captured headlines worldwide, it has taken its toll on journalism and reporting as well. While much of the international...
View ArticleBrand Turkey and the Gezi Protests: Authoritarianism, Law, and Neoliberalism...
[Part one of this article can be found here.]Brand Turkey: Modeling Democracy and Neoliberalism When commentators for CNN International, the new bête noir of AKP supporters for its Gezi coverage,...
View ArticleOccupy Gezi: Die Grenzen des neoliberalen Erfolgs der Türkei
[This article was originally written by Cihan Tugal, and published by Jadaliyya in English here. It was translated/published in German by Infobrief Türkei.]Die neoliberale AKP räumt alles aus dem Weg,...
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