New Texts Out Now: Madawi Al-Rasheed, A Most Masculine State: Gender,...
Madawi Al-Rasheed,A Most Masculine State: Gender, Politics, and Religion in Saudi Arabia.Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book?Madawi...
View ArticleNew Texts Out Now: Paolo Gerbaudo, Tweets and the Streets: Social Media and...
Paolo Gerbaudo, Tweets and the Streets: Social Media and Contemporary Activism. London and New York: Pluto Books, 2012.Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book?Paolo Gerbaudo (PG): I have been...
View Articleاليمن ودورة جديدة للصراع بالوكالة
لا يمكن وصف ما أثير ضد السفير الإيراني بسبب تصريحاته يوم السادس من يناير الجاري بأقل من زوبعة. في لقائه مع مجموعة من الصحفيين اليمنيين احتج السفير على الاتهامات الموجهة ضد بلاده من الرئيس اليمني عبد...
View Articleتزييفُ الوعي وتطييفُ التاريخ في سياقات الثورة السوريّة
(إلى الصديق الأستاذ جورج طرابيشي مفكرًا فوق الطوائف، وإلى ضحايا الطوائف)رغم الاختلافات الهائلة (ديمقراطيًّا) بين حقبةِ ما بعد الاستقلال وحقبةِ البعث، فإنّ الفترتين تتقاطعان من حيث الغياب شبه التامّ...
View ArticleHabits of French Colonialism
“In other days France was the name of a country. We should take care that in 1961 it does not become the name of a nervous disease.” -- Jean Paul Sartre, preface to Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the...
View ArticleParallel Walks in al-Khalil: A Photo Essay
I last visited al-Khalil (Hebron) with my family when I was a child in the mid 1970s. I only have vague recollections of that visit, except for the place where Ibrahim (Abraham) was to sacrifice his...
View ArticleRhetoric or Critical Action? The Role of Human Rights in EU-UAE Relations
An EU resolution passed in October 2012, which condemned human rights abuses in the United Arab Emirates, caused outrage among defenders of the Emirati regime and gave hope that human rights may play a...
View ArticleMaath Musleh on Social Media and Palestine
[This post is part of an ongoing Profile of a Contemporary Conduit series on Jadaliyya that seeks to highlight distinct voices primarily in and from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia.]...
View ArticleA Loss in the Battle for Free Access to Information
[The following article was originally published on Tadween Publishing's blog. For more information on the publishing world as it relates to pedagogy and knowledge production, follow Tadween Publishing...
View ArticleMali in Focus, Part Three: A Dangerous Show of Force from a Former Colonial...
[This article is the final of a three-part series featuring different perspectives on the recent developments in Mali. Previously published: "Mali in Focus, Part One: The Jihadist Offensive Revisited"...
View ArticleSyria Media Roundup (January 24)
[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may...
View Article"Tahrir," My Revolution
Two years ago, Egyptians took to the streets to demand “bread, freedom and social justice.” The first demonstrations, which took place on 25 January 2011, rapidly turned into massive protests against...
View Articleعــامـــان عـلــى 25 يـنــايــــر فــي مصــــر مـكـــــامــــــن...
تهدف الثورة، أي ثورة، الى دفع السلطة الحاكمة للدخول في علاقات مباشرة مع الجموع، على النحو الذي يمكِّن الثوار من قلب منطق القوة وكيفية ترتيبها، فتتم تعرية ممارسات السلطة، ونزع فتيل الشرعية عنها، ومنعها...
View ArticleAlexandria Re-Imagined: The Revolution through Art
On 24 January 2011 – a day before the arc of Egyptian history would be altered – the film, Microphone, was screened. Microphone documents Alexandria’s pre-revolution underground scene of artists and...
View ArticlePlaying the Numbers Game: Copts and the Exercise of Power
With 25 January upon us yet again, the “Coptic question” remains as salient as ever. This hermeneutic expression, similar to Shlomo Sand’s historicization of what was the “Jewish question,” in the...
View Articleمستقبل السلفيين السياسي ماذا بعد الشريعة؟
ارتبط قرار السلفيين بالدخول للمعترك السياسي بعد الثورة بقضية الهوية الإسلامية للمجتمع. ومع إقرار الدستور الذي ضمن بشكل كبير للسلفيين تطبيق الشريعة يبرز السؤال التالي: وماذا بعد الشريعة؟ هل انتهى المبرر...
View ArticleThe Revolution and History
As a historian, I am often struck by a particular misconception about history, widely held both in Egypt and abroad. This is the sense that, once written, history is fixed or finished – that, once a...
View ArticleThe Dramaturgy of A Street Corner
Much like the ongoing revolutionary struggle in Egypt, this short piece is part of an in-progress work to chronicle the evolution of revolutionary art on Mohamed Mahmoud Street, also known as the...
View Articleالتحرير لامركزية الميدان
على مدار عقود عانى فيها المصريون من حكم استبدادي جثم على الصدور لم يترك لهم فرصة لإلتقاط الأنفاس ولا مخرج فانصرفوا إلى متابعة أمور حياتهم اليومية، بينما انصرف آخرون إلى الهجرة. هجرة خارج حدود الوطن،...
View ArticleMeet AbdelRahman Mansour Who Made 25 January A Date to Remember
AbdelRahman Mansour is the cyberactivist who set the date of 25 January for the Egyptian revolution. It is time for you to meet him.In June 2010, at twenty-three years old, AbdelRahman approached Wael...
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